#1 speed reading
technology on earth
From best-selling novels to how-to books to self-improvement to business reports and more, our proven software guides--and trains-- your eyes to read at a rapidly accelerated rate. The human brain + modern technology = all-new possibilities. And no. You won't believe it until you try it.
Read faster by 2-3x,
super human style
Set your reading speed from 10-4,000 words per minute, and keep challenging your own time. With a couple of taps, the app speeds up, and you can always control how fast you go. Most people are shocked at how efficient their brains are while still processing and retaining information! (You can read normal, too, just in case.)
Customizable everything
(even that)
From designer color schemes to fonts; margins to interface, the app bends to your will with every preference, making this the perfect "skin" for you to read all of your books on, no matter how fast or slow.
Touch free auto pilot
(aka flash lightning mode)
With Guided Reading Technology, you set the speed and the pages turn for you. Throw in a butler and some fancy cheese and you might just be set for life. (Or at least have a pretty sharp advantage over all of mankind.)
Bonus access: 2 million books, for free!
Books are our world--and we've got an entire family of apps dedicated to book lovers. That means we can also bring you all sorts of access to free titles that other speed reading apps can't. Hip, hip, hooray!
what they say
QuickReader is a speed-reading tool that can produce remarkable results. I was shocked by the rate at which my speed improved. […] By far the most fascinating application I’ve reviewed in a while.
4.5 stars, MAGICAL